It's an Eventful March, Ending With a Beginning - Our Opening Day!

With February soon coming to a close, The Cottonwood Cove is only 1 month away from Opening Day 2019! That doesn't mean that we're just going to sit around and wait though. On the contrary, there are quite a few fun events planned throughout March at our Midwest vacation destination and we're looking forward to seeing you at them. Going Away Party for Shawn & Amy Thallas Saturday, March 2 It's almost time to say goodbye to Shawn & Amy, and if you haven't yet had the pleasure of meeting them, say hello and goodbye at the same time! The Lodge will be open to everyone from 5 pm-1 am with pizza being served from the kitchen and all your favorite drinks flowing from the bar. (Yes, even those famous Watermelons!) From 7-11 pm Rustic Gold will take over the stage and we expect you all to be on the dance floor. A fantastic way to spend a Saturday night! Spring Fling Saturday, March 9 We're getting really antsy for spring to finally get here...